Welcome to the Offical Petscop Game website!

What is Petscop?

Petscop is a game where you collect nice and cute pets! Here are a few.


First one here is Amber!

Amber is a young ball. She's afraid to leave home. If her home is good, this is not a problem. She is very heavy, and that makes her life a little harder, as well as yours. What's the safest place you can put her in? You should start thinking about that.

Here is Amber's room! It's a trophy, awarded to our Amber for being a real champ yesterday and today. "She hasn't left her cage once!


Sorry! But thats the only pet we will be showing on the site, we don't want to spoil anymore pets! You'll have to find the others yourself ;)

Click here to buy Petscop! Catch your new friends, and give them a new home.

Here are some previews of the game below!

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